作为澳门足彩app的分包商和顾问工作多年后, Karl Kerr于2012年加入公司担任项目主管.



资深项目主管目前的任务, 一个复杂的澳门足彩app, 是他在这一领域价值的最佳例证吗.


澳门足彩app Project Superintendent Karl Kerr likes to take a vacation after finishing a project and before starting a new one. He’s definitely taking time off when his current job ends — and he’s heading somewhere warm.

克尔一直住在州立大学, 宾西法尼亚, for the past three years helping to convert Penn State University’s century-old 废水 treatment plant into a state-of-the-art water reclamation facility. 完成后,这个耗资4600万美元的项目将使该大学能够将其所有的 废水, 污泥的混合物, 污水, 以及各种工业废品, into water that will supply all of the campus’s irrigation and other service-water needs.

这是一个要求很高的项目, as the team has kept the existing facility running continuously throughout the process of demolishing and rebuilding it.

“I describe this project like this: We're overhauling an old John Deere tractor while it’s dragging a plow,科尔用他标志性的德州拖腔说道. “它为整个校园提供废水处理服务,所以它不能关闭.”

拥有超过40年商业建筑经验的机械承包商, Kerr是澳门足彩app的长期分包商和顾问. 经过多年的招聘,该公司在2012年吸引科尔全职加入该团队.

“They kept asking me to come on board, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted my next move to be,他说. “他们终于在完美的一天抓住了我. I had just spent a lot of time with my CPA and doing all of the other tedious work necessary to run a business. 我答应了,从那以后就一直待在这里.”

The Penn State project is the exact type of job 澳门足彩app hired the level-headed veteran to oversee.

“整个工作都是一个挑战, 但他带来了一种平静,杰里米·霍尔辛格说, 曾在项目上与他共事的高级项目经理. “He’s a great team player and has used his experience to troubleshoot every mechanical issue we’ve had. 在其他需要他的地方,他也会挺身而出.

“真的很难不喜欢卡尔. 他是个不苟言笑的人. 他有老派建筑工人的一面,而且毫不留情. 当有人把事情搞砸了,他会毫不犹豫地让他们知道. 但在不冒犯任何人的情况下,他能清晰地表达自己的观点.”

Kerr said the biggest challenge on the Penn State project was figuring out how to keep the facility running while demolishing and replacing roughly two-thirds of the existing plant. To do so, they’ve created a hybrid system that relies on a mixture of the existing and new equipment.

挑战还不止于此:由于该设施已有100多年的历史, 几乎没有详细记录地下基础设施.

“这个地方是公用事业罢工的主要目标. 每次你把铲子插进土里,都是在碰运气, 因为你永远不知道你会发现什么,科尔说。. 不过,哈斯克尔目前最关注的问题之一是 尽量减少公用事业罢工, and we’ve developed a strong relationship with the locators and had zero incidents in the three years we’ve been here.”

回首往事,科尔说他很高兴自己决定加入哈斯克尔. 虽然他的职业生涯即将结束, he conceded that 澳门足彩app always found a way to convince him to stay and keep him in the fold.

“当我全职来到这里时,我并不是真的在找工作, 如果我不是对这个组织印象深刻的话, 我早就走了,他说. “我完全惊呆了 良好的工作环境 澳门足彩app创造了. 我很惊讶澳门足彩app是如此以员工为中心. 他们通过善待员工来最大限度地利用他们, 反过来, 他们的人民善待他们. 我认为这是理想的工作关系.”

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